Welcome to Hogwarts Distance Education, I hope you enjoy seeing our fun as much as I have had in the planning of it. Setting up my schoolroom has always been a big fun deal to me. I do rea;lize that the children are getting older, themes are kind of wasting away for them but I wanted just one more. Just one more big thing before they are just too old to really have fun with it anymore.

The idea started with a few posters and a yahoo group. Then of course we had to have a Honeydukes and before you knew it the kids had thrown around ideas, I saw Harry Potter parties online and this little idea has taken on a life of its own. Because like me my children have to go all out so to speak!

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Week 2 Magic!!!

       This week she was ready to take on the world and change copper to gold! Like I had said before her Alchemy is learning all about metals. 

       She was very eager to use the MEL chemistry kit "Alchemy" to start off.  The kit has two projects all she was interested in this week was the turning into gold one!

       I will say these kits are very well put together! I was so glad they included an actual copper coin so I didn't have to try and hunt any down. 

       She was thrilled with her little pocket stove!

       Normally I do videos of her experiments but since this was so time lapsed pictures it was. The whole thing probably took about half an hour. 

        Now the copper first turned into silver. 

        After a little more magic WE HAD GOLD!!! 

        She was pretty proud of herself and her new gold coin! The videos are a must to do these projects though. I really liked when it was all over there was a section explaining what had happened to the coin as well. That was the highlight of her Magic School day! Happy Spell Casting everyone!

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