Welcome to Hogwarts Distance Education, I hope you enjoy seeing our fun as much as I have had in the planning of it. Setting up my schoolroom has always been a big fun deal to me. I do rea;lize that the children are getting older, themes are kind of wasting away for them but I wanted just one more. Just one more big thing before they are just too old to really have fun with it anymore.

The idea started with a few posters and a yahoo group. Then of course we had to have a Honeydukes and before you knew it the kids had thrown around ideas, I saw Harry Potter parties online and this little idea has taken on a life of its own. Because like me my children have to go all out so to speak!

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Week 4 Of Magic!!!

        I keep meaning to do something really cool with that mirror! I keep running out of time and forgetting though! She started her day by checking her Owl Post and was happy to see a package delivered sometime in the night!

        Her special delivery today comes from The Inked Goddess! It is a Wee Witches Altar set-up! 

        While everything in this box is absolutely adorable I will say my favorite thing is the beautiful little card explaining everything about an altar for her. 

        She is still having a lot of fun with her Spells! She is getting quite creative with her poetry too. She won't let me post it either! 

        For her Magical Places study we read stories from India. I was happy to see the books each had one and one is even about magicians!

        She enjoyed the stories. We also baked a Indian Spice Cake for Cauldron cooking. 

        The cake was very good but she made all of us wait for breakfast to have any! She is still doing all of her research for dire wolves to make her "ology" book. 

        Apparently Stella enjoys being read too as well!

        She is still studying Numerology and Destiny numbers in Arithmancy. She also started Astronomy today and in the chaos of baking cakes and such forgot to do her projects so we will get to those some night next week! Happy Spell Casting everyone!!!!!

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